I love the process of creating music videos 🌀
It usually starts with a vague idea of how we want it to feel and then goes through a million transformations through filming, editing and right until we make the final export ☀️
Creating a music video requires an incredible amount of trust in your collaborator’s vision. In my case, I’m incredibly lucky to work with my wife @dillonhowl
This is our fourth video project together and I am continually amazed in the ways that she manages to express her understanding of the metaphysical realm through the most potent visuals 🌙
I have much more to say about the making of this video and I want to share all of our BTS and thanks over the next week or so, but I’m feeling like I need to sleep/rest for now as making this video has been pretty much our only focus for the past month!!!!
Thanks for watching and if you haven’t seen the video yet it’s up on my YouTube. Let me know your thoughts, it’s all about the collective after all ❤️❤️❤️❤️
It usually starts with a vague idea of how we want it to feel and then goes through a million transformations through filming, editing and right until we make the final export ☀️
Creating a music video requires an incredible amount of trust in your collaborator’s vision. In my case, I’m incredibly lucky to work with my wife @dillonhowl
This is our fourth video project together and I am continually amazed in the ways that she manages to express her understanding of the metaphysical realm through the most potent visuals 🌙
I have much more to say about the making of this video and I want to share all of our BTS and thanks over the next week or so, but I’m feeling like I need to sleep/rest for now as making this video has been pretty much our only focus for the past month!!!!
Thanks for watching and if you haven’t seen the video yet it’s up on my YouTube. Let me know your thoughts, it’s all about the collective after all ❤️❤️❤️❤️